Sunday, July 29, 2007

Welcome to my blog... Here's a few of the "happenings" at the studio.

Thanks to all the parents and kids at Amy's Power Tumbling. What talent in these young people!

IPrayz Christian band is a hit on stage and in my studio. What a group of great people!! Check out their concerts at

Check out the kids cooking at Deb's Catering in Altamont. This was a super fun shoot although the little buy in the pan won't agree.

May was a challenging week in Kansas City, Kansas. I attended a 3 day class on Corel Painter. This program takes you past high quality portraits to painted portraiture. Interested in a watercolor or oil portrait?? Stop by the studio and let's talk.

April was a great learning experience as I attended an advanced lighting and posing school in Indianapolis that lasted a week. Meeting photographers from other states while learning the latest lightning/posing techniques was a blast. There were several days spent on just seniors that showcased the hottest posing trends for this group. I brought back ideas and samples of dynamic senior portraits to share with our area high school seniors. WOW is the only word to describe them!

In March, my staff Jill & Jodi and myself attended the Professional Photographers Association of Illinois conference in Decatur, IL. We checked out the new technology, designs, ideas in the Trade Show. The competition prints were fantastic. Looking at the best work of phtoographers in Illinois really gets your creativity going and makes you want to try new things and excel, excel, excel!!

Staff members are Jill, Jodi and Erin. Jill is the creative one with a title of Design Artist. Tell us what kind of baby announcement, wall collage, or Christmas cards you want and Jill can design one specially for you.

Jodi is the friendly voice you usually hear when calling for an appointment or for information. She makes sure your orders are put together and contacts you when they're ready for pickup.

Erin is the energetic one. She helps with studio shoots, weddings, etc. She loves doing theme and just plain fun photography!

I can't forget my husband Sonny. He is always there are weddings - helping setup lights, lugging equipment in and out, etc.

What about me? I'm Belinda Uptmor and I love capturing those sweet (and mischievious) expressions. Whether I'm working with newborns, toddlers, families, senior, brides or generations I do my best to get smiles and laughter going. I take pride in my work and will make sure you are happy with the portraits you take home.

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